Sabtu, 09 Mei 2020

Tugas 3 softskill Bahasa Inggris 2 " Biografy "

My sister is like an angel.

Her name is Ayu Setya Lestari or often called Ayu was born in Luwu, South Sulawesi, on September 18, 1994. The third child of four siblings. She's the only woman among the four of us. Just like his siblings, he also has a hobby of singing. Since sitting in elementary school to high school, she was already well known for his intelligence, often following the quiz competition, vocal group competition and singing solo both within the scope of school or between schools.

In 2012, after graduating from high school, Ayu intended to continue to a higher school because she did not want her intelligence to stop at high school. Finally, thanks to the support of parents, she continued his education. At that time, after going through struggle and effort and prayer, she was finally accepted into a private university.

Many ups and downs that she must go through while undergoing lectures, one of which is to be separated from parents. Finally after completing his education for three and a half years she was finally declared graduated from the teaching. After completing his studies, she too immediately looked for work. She has already submitted several job applications, even trying his luck at registering CPNS. But fate said otherwise, apparently not there God wanted to place her.

She is strong, patient and certainly not easily give up. Until finally, one of the private hospitals in the Tangerang area, Banten, sought medical personel. The hospital contacted the campus where my sister was educated. After communicating, the campus finally did a test to the students to select who would be called for an interview at the hospital. Praise God, she finally became one of the few who received and got interview calls. After arriving in Tangerang after traveling from Makassar, three days later he immediately conducted an interview. Praise God that the results are very satisfying. Finally she was said to graduate and was accepted to work at the hospital. Until now she still works at the hospital.

But there is sadness that our family must feel including me as a younger sibling. It is very sad to see the current condition because she has to be the front guard against this pandemic covid19. She must spend his days using PPE (personal protective equipment). Together with medical colleagues, she must face positive patients covid19. For 12 hours they have to wear the PPE (personal protective equipment).

Resist drowsiness, hunger, thirst, itching, want to go to the bathroom and so on. Their sweat pouring over their bodies and clothes wrapped around them. It was sad to see my sister struggling with this disease, but this is the way of life.

Maybe this has become a destiny written by the Almighty. I am very proud of her. She really teaches the meaning of being patient and what it should be like to respond to every life situation. She shows the meaning of serving others. We can only hope and continue to pray that she will remain under God's protection and that this pandemic will end soon.

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